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WatuPRO: Help & How-To

Find the answers of the most frequently asked questions here:

  • How to get started?
  • How to create and assign certificates?
  • How to assign different tests to different users?
  • How do I upgrade to your latest release?
  • How to properly install it on multi-site?
  • How to translate the interface in my language?
  • How to change email sender's name?
  • How to change text size or color, and other design related questions
  • How to create quizzes for mobile devices like iPhone and Android
  • How to embed videos in questions?
  • How to display different message to the user if they pass or fail the quiz?
  • How to create category grades?
  • How to display some content related to multiple questions?
  • How to create surveys and run reports on them?

Have a look also at the WatuPRO User Manual.

  • Can I export user results from the tests?
  • Can I reuse questions from one exam or test to another?
  • Can I run this plugin on a WordPress multi-site?
  • Can I include Math equations / LaTeX equations in the questions and answers?
  • Can I sent emails to user with their results even if they are not registered?
  • Can I show custom user fields in the certificates?
  • Can I collect email address and other contact information without asking the user to log in?
  • Can I use shortcodes from other plugins?
  • Can multiple users take a quiz at the same time?
  • Can I conduct surveys with this plugin?
  • Can other users create tests?
  • Can other users create tests from the front-end?
  • Can I use this plugin with WPML?

This section covers several frequent problems not caused by the plugin, which you can often fix yourself. If you have problems with quiz not working on the front-end or not displaying properly please read this first.

  • Submitting a test loads or redirects to the home page
  • When I click on the "submit" button nothing happens!
  • I'm Getting "WatuPRO is not defined" Javascript Error
  • Randomization does not work
  • Grades / results do not work (Getting "None" as grade / result)
  • Problems with emailing quiz results
  • Problems with the %%CERTIFICATE%% variable
  • I added new questions to the quiz, but I don't see them
  • When exporting quiz details I am getting a blank page or server error
  • I moved my site admin to SSL and tests stopped working.
  • Troubleshooting paid quizzes
  • Error Occurred:error(Internal server error.)
  • Someone took a test but their result was not stored.
  • Why is my quiz not hyperlinked?
  • Sortable questions do not work
  • "My Quizzes" page is empty
  • "My Quiz Reports" is missing data
  • The test should ask for contact details at the start but it does not.
If you still need help email us at info@calendarscripts.info

Changes in Version 6.7

  1. Added option to save and preview a question.
  2. Added question intros. Learn more at https://blog.calendarscripts.info/question-intros-in-watupro/
  3. Added shortcode watupro-memory which allows you to show a memorization section before a question. Learn more about this at https://blog.calendarscripts.info/memory-section-in-watu-pro-questions/
  4. Added a new final screen variable - %%ANSWERS-TABLE%%. It creates an interactive paginaged table from the questions and their answers.
  5. Added search, sort and delete in the administration of the optional answers feedback from users.
  6. Added option to show “Quizzes to complete” grouped per category on the My Quizzes page. The option is on the WatuPRO Settings page -> User Settings tab.
  7. Added option to automatically redirect the user to their latest unfinished quiz attempt (if any) when they log in.  The option is on the WatuPRO Settings page -> User Settings tab.
  8. Added a new variable - %%ANSWERS-NOFEEDBACK%% - which is the same as %%ANSWERS%% but without the optional answer explanation.
  9. Added the variable %%FEEDBACK-NOANSWERS%% - The reverse of the above variable - will include the question and the optional answer explanation, but will not repeat the question choices showing the user answer. Typically used when you manually craft the feedback on all questions according to each possible answer.
  10. Added variable %%ONLYFEEDBACK%% for the questions explanation without any question or answer contents.
  11. Added option to hide the “next” button on quizzes paginated one question per page when the advanced setting “automatically go to next question” is selected. The button will be hidden on single-choice (radio buttons) questions. 
  12. Optimized the shortcodes that list quizzes in categories for better performance.
  13. The new variable {{{num-words}}} can be used in the optional answer explanation box of essay questions to show the number of words typed.
  14. The progress bar now can be configured to be based on % answered questions instead of the current location in the quiz.
  15. Included “Export this data” link when watupro-myexams shortcode is used on the front-end and the GDPR features are enabled.
  16. Added filters for “percent of maximum points” on the View results page and the associated watupro-takings shortcode.
  17. Passing the attribute show_last_result=1 to the [watupro X] shortcode will make the quiz page show the last quiz result if the logged in user has already completed the quiz at least once. At the bottom of their result they will see a "Try again" button. Clicking on that button allows retaking the quiz.
  18. Added partial support for Moodle XML.
  19. Obfuscated certificate taking IDs in the view certificate links. For backward compatibility the old IDs will still work unless you select the option “Allow only obfuscated certificate IDs” in your Manage Certificates page.
  20. Added a new parameter use_only_latest_attempts to the multiquiz shortcode.
  21. Fixed the quiz progress bar: it should start at 0% on the first page.
  22. Temporarily disable TablePress integration due to errors.
  23. Improved the behavior of the “See answer” button: pre-set the div size to avoid jumping, fixed the problems with category headings and avoided duplication of the new “question intros” feature.
  24. Added column “Percent of points” in “My Quizzes” page.
  25. Combined with the latest Play plugin 2.2.8 you can now restrict access to a test based on required badges.
  26. When “store only the data of logged in users” is selected you can now further specify to store only the first or last attempt of each user on the quiz.
  27. A new advanced option in the quiz setting lets you display full details of everyone’s attempts when using the watupro-takings shortcode. The option is “Allow everyone to see everyone's details on this quiz” and will work together with passing public=1 and show_details=1 to the shortcode.
  28. Applied the WatuPRO content filter in the view details table to allow parsing MathJax and similar codes.
  29. Added shortcode watupro-mysettings to show the user’s Quiz Settings page on the front-end.
  30. Rounded percent correct and percent of max points in the watupro-multiquiz shortcode calculations.
  31. Improved the output of the certificate approval notification email.
  32. Added wrapper divs on the category description and questions belonging to the category when a quiz is paginated one page per category.
  33. Added option for mass-changing quiz orientation (left-to-righ vs right-to-left) for easier handling of RTL localizations.
  34. [Intelligence module] When a role is not allowed to manage user groups, they will also be unable to edit their own groups.
  35. Fixed layout issues on the Questions Import page.
  36. Fixed rare bug with timed quizzes paginated one question per page: sometimes the first question was not showing when continuing an unfinished attempt.
  37. Fixed bug: in open-end questions when maximum points limit was set up the correct answer was not always figured out.
  38. Removed unwanted bold style from questions when showing the quiz results.
  39. You can now pass attribute user_id=”certificate” to the watupro-answer shortcode to include the answer of any question inside a certificate. The parameter will ensure that the shortcode picks the answer from the certificate achiever and not necessary of the currently logged in user.
  40. Added %%URL%% variable in certificates. It can be used to display the URL or be embedded in social sharing buttons. Note that you must select “Allow public access” in your main certificates page if you want to allow sharing to the public.
  41. Certificates can now have background color. (It’s still best to design certificates as full HTML documents in text mode of the editor.)
  42. Added attribute wrap=1 to the watupro-takings shortcode to ensure that the table will fit your page area horizontally.
  43. Added variables %%CATEGORY-ANSWERS-X%% and %%CATEGORY-UNRESOLVED-X%% to display the answers & unresolved answers for any given category.
  44. Namaste! LMS integration: you can filter quiz results by tags for students in a selected course.
  45. [Intelligence module] When teacher edits quiz attempt the new variable %%ANSWERS-TABLE%% will be automatically updated (if used) with the new correct / wrong data.
  46. [Intelligence module] If there is a previously filled and unused coupon, it will be pre-filled on the order form.
  47. [Intelligence module] Fixed problems with horizontal sortable questions in the latest WP.
  48. [Intelligence module] You can now edit the automatically generated cumulative personality types on quizzes which allow ranking for multiple personalities with equal results.
  49. [Intelligence module] Added attribute bar_max_height to the watupro-personality-chart shortcode.
  50. [Reporting module] Added attribute skip_empty to the watupror-question-answers shortcode to allow skipping the empty answers.
  51. [Reporting module]: The shortcode watupror-pie-chart now allows parameter taking_id=”ALL” when the “from” parameter is NOT “questions”. This will show user’s performance per question category on all quiz attempts from all quizzes.
  52. [Reporting module] The shortcode watupror-pie-chart now also accepts parameter quiz_id to be used outside of the “final screen”. In this case the parameter taking_id should not be passed at all. This mode will work for logged in users only.
  53. [Reporting module]: A new parameter charts_gd=1 lets you use  GD charts in the “watupror overview” shortcode in case the default charts do not behave as expected.
  54. [Reporting module] Added option from=”points_as_percent” to the watupror-pie-chart shortcode. It will display the result for each category as a % from all possible points in the quiz.
  55. [Reporting module] Improved color handling of the chart from the shortcode |watupror-pie-chart from="questions" mode="gd”|
  56. [Intelligence module] Display an error message when a wrong or expired coupon code is entered on a paid quiz.
  57. Added a filter watupro_custom_vars to the final screen which allows you to create plugins parsing custom variables.
  58. Fixed issues when the quiz start button text on the “Asl for contact” section contained apostrophes.
  59. Fixed issues with the category paginator.
  60. Fixed bug in calculating category percent of max points when the variable is used in a certificate.
  61. Fixed bug in calculating %%AVG-PERCENTAGEOFMAX%%.
  62. Fixed issue when copying questions: HTML tags should not be stripped even if the user lacks “unfiltered_html” privileges.
  63. Fixed bug with points filter in watupro-takings shortcode.
  64. Fixed problem with the new {{{num-words}}} variable appearing when the question was not answered.
  65. Fixed bug: the “See answer” button was not hiding when used on a paginated quiz.
  66. Fixed bug: the “role” filter on “Mass assign users” to user groups was getting lost when using the pagination.
  67. Fixed problems in latest PHP when copying only some questions from a quiz.
  68. CSS fix for the quiz buttons on some themes.
  69. Fixed bug when entering tags with spaces around them.
  70. Improved the spacing around the new %%ONLYFEEDBACK%% variable.
  71. Fixed CSS issues on the contact page of RTL quizzes.
  72. Fixed errors in Manage difficulty levels.
  73. Fixed bug with wrapper divs in quizzes paginated one page per question category.
  74. [Reporting module] Fixed bug in the watupro-result shortcode.
  75. [Reporting module] Fixed layout issues on the user overview page
  76. [Reporting module] Fixed bug on “stats per question” page when a choice on a multiple choice question contained backslashes.
  77. [Reporting module] Fixed bug with the next/prev links on the watupror-question-answers shortcode.
  78. Fixed bug in Intelligence module - when a quiz that requires payment for each attempt was connected to the WooCommerce bridge, it was always redirected to the store page.
  79. Fixed issues with BCC Math functions

Changes in Version 6.6

  1. Implemented Zapier Webhooks. Learn more here.
  2. Added Test hooks for Webhooks / Zapier so you can see the raw response from a hook on the screen.
  3. Automatically assign required user groups or user roles when access to a quiz or bundle is purchased. Learn more here.
  4. On the “View results” page you can now filter the respondents by the answer they gave on a specific single-choice question.
  5. Feedback on questions now includes the author name and respects the user group permissions when this option is selected.
  6. Added copy protection feature: disable copy content and right-click (context) menu on quizzes. Activate it on WatuPRO Settings page.
  7. Added question type filter on Manage Questions page.
  8. Added final screen variable %%RESOLVED%% to show only the correctly answered questions.
  9. A variable %%VERIFICATION%% is now available for certificates. It generates an unique URL which verifies if this certificate is valid. The variable can be used to create a link but if you have this plugin  installed and activated, it will create a QR code instead.
  10. Added question category column on View results -> VIew details pop-up, table format. The category column can be switched off from WatuPRO Settings page -> User Settings tab.
  11. Added option to individually switch off the dashboard stats widget (in case it’s slowing down your admin). The same is always switch off in case you are in low memory mode (WatuPRO Settings page)
  12. Improvements to the numbered questions paginator: when there are more than 10 questions it will be paginated itself to avoid taking too much screen space.
  13. Compatibility with the latest Chained Logic add-on to support storing user progress when the test is continued at a later time.
  14. Added variable %%AVG-PERCENTOFMAX%% to show the average percent from maximum points achieved by others on the same test.
  15. The %%ANSWERS-PAGINATED%% variable will respect the “Don’t auto scroll” setting.
  16. Added question compact format version 3: a mix of the two: question at left and answers floating at right as much as the space allows.
  17. When deleting a quiz attempt also delete any user uploaded files with it.
  18. Added CSS adjustments for vertical alignment of checkboxes and radio buttons and an “Additional CSS” box in WatuPRO Settings page.
  19. Added class watupro-unanswered-question to the div of unanswered questions in the final screen.
  20. Added shortcode for user’s answer on an individual question. See it on the Edit Question page.
  21. Added variable %%PERCENT-WRONG%% to show the percentage of wrongly answered questions.
  22. Replaced the rich text editor pop-up with a local instance of the rich text editor for better usability and to avoid JS errors on some installations.
  23. No more hiding the numbered questions paginator on mobile - the new next/prev style is better to be shown all the time.
  24. Improvements to the display of right-to-left tests.
  25. CSS adjustments for checkboxes and radio buttons for latest WP themes.
  26. Added basic email validation when email address is provided regardless if it is required or optional.
  27. Improved handling of MathJax plugins.
  28. Added final screen variable %%PERCENTOFMAXLEFT%% - the percentage of maximum points that were not achieved.
  29. You can now control how many buttons are shown in the numbered questions paginator before showing next and previous buttons on it.
  30. When you have selected that single choice questions should automatically continue to the next one and the last question in the quiz is also a single-choice, selecting a value on it will submit the test. This lets you entirely hide the prev/next/view results buttons at the bottom.
  31. Removed unnecessary trailing zeros on %%MULTI_POINTS%% variable.
  32. Improved WooCommerce integration: if the only payment method you accept is WooCommerce (via our free bridge) visiting a paid quiz page will redirect to the WooCommerce product for purchasing.
  33. The question order will be shown when copying a quiz.
  34. The watuprolist cat_id=”ALL” shortcode now accepts parameter show_dropdown=1 which displays a dropdown with all test categories and lets the user choose.
  35. Added WP user ID to the exports in “View results” page. The column can also be shown when displaying the page with a shortcode - just add parameter show_user_id=1 to it.
  36. [Reporting module] A new mode for the watupror-pie-chart lets you create a pie from the number of correct / wrong / unanswered questions on the whole quiz. Just pass the parameter show="questions"
  37. [Reporting module] Added CSV exports from the Stats per category and tag page.
  38. [Reporting module] Added new single quiz attempt charts: basic performance and questions performance. Learn more here.
  39. [Reporting module] The cross-tabulation data will also respect user group permissions. When publishing it on the site via the shrortcode you need to select whether or not the data from the table is accessible to the public.
  40. [Intelligence module] when “use WP roles” on WatuPRO user groups page is selected and a role with “Apply user group permissions” is viewiong quiz results, the viewer will access only results from users of their role and unregistered visitors.
  41. [Intelligence module] Added button to mass delete payments on the View payments page.
  42. [Reporting module] Added parameter “compare” to the watupror-quiz-cat-chart shortcode. When you pass “1” to this parameter the chart will produce two bars for each question category - one for the current attempt and one for everyone’s average. Learn more about this shortcode here: https://blog.calendarscripts.info/charts-in-watupro-reporting-module/#questioncats
  43. [Reporting module] Cross tabulation analysis is now available for all single-choice and multiple choice questions. Learn more at https://blog.calendarscripts.info/cross-tabulation-analysis-in-watupro-reporting-module/
  44. [Reporting module] Stats per question -> full details link to mask user’s IP if GDPR compliance features are selected.
  45. [Reporting module] Replaced the old bar charts on Reports -> History and Reports -> Skills tabs with a better animated chart.
  46. [Reporting module] Added group_id parameter to the watupror-poll shortcode to allow limiting the poll chart to a specific user group.
  47. Fixed issue with copying quizzes which had the following grade based requirements: allow re-submitting only when some grades are achieved, send emails to user/admin only when selected grades are achieved.
  48. Fixed bug: when contact data was requested at the end of category-paginated quiz the last category description was stil displayed above the contact form.
  49. Fixed bug [Reporting module]: column totals were always 100% while they should be showing the percentage from the grand total.
  50. Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: When using the {{{answerto-X}}} variable on Fill The Gaps questions the correct/incorrect checkmarks were shown even on survey questions or when the Advanced setting to not show checkmarks was selected.
  51. Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: when “fill the gaps” questions had multiple correct answers on some gaps and “reveal answers” was selected, there were wrongly revealed correct answers.
  52. Fixed bug [Reporting module]: Overview and HIstory calculations should be based only on quizzes that the user currently has access to (not limited by categories, roles, etc).
  53. Fixed bug: privately published quizzes were not showing in My Quizzes and Quiz Reports pages.
  54. Fixed scrolling issues with the numbered questions paginator.
  55. Fixed issue on some installations caused by auto assigning user groups on registration.
  56. Fixed bug: selecting numbered question paginator and category paginator together was showing only question paginator.
  57. Fixed errors when exporting data from My Quizzes page.
  58. Optimized the “latest attempt” query for the dashboard  widget.
  59. Fixed bug: when copying a quiz into a new quiz the “common category grade output” was not copied.
  60. Fixed minor bugs on timed quizzes with “ask for contact details” at the start.
  61. Fixed issues with the size of the “View details” pop-up.
  62. Fixed issue with backslashes when editing custom design themes.
  63. Fixed bug on Copy questions page: removed the confusing sort order and replaced it with question ID.
  64. Fixed bug: “Treat this question as a whole” was impossible to remain unchecked after it has been saved as checked once.
  65. Fixed various issues with pre-loading correct pages when returning to an unfinished quiz.

Changes in Version 6.5

  1. A new shortcode allows you to display cumulative stats on all user’s logged in attempts on multiple quizzes. You can also include conditional content based on the achieved results from all the quizzes.
  2. Added option to pull X random question categories in the quiz. This will work together with other randomization and pull random settings.
  3. Added option to not display the optional answer explanation if the question is left unanswered.
  4. The checkbox for MathJax and LaTeX problems on import was not working for Aiken imports.
  5. Improved handling of WP emojis entered by mobile phones.
  6. Added optional parameters show_id=0 show_delete=0 show_details=0 to the watupro-takings shortcode to allow hiding these columns.
  7. Added shortcode “watupro-leaderboard-position” to return the position of the currently logged in user in the global leaderboard by points.
  8. Added new columns to the WatuPRO Simple import format: “is required?” and “answer explanation”.
  9. Part of the question contents can be hidden on the final screen if you place them betwneen HTML comments: <!--watupro-hide-start--> and <!--watupro-hide-end-->. The rich text editor should be switched to Text mode when entering the comments.
  10. When submitting a quiz (or going to a next page) with unanswered required questions the error message will show which of the questions exactly should be answered.
  11. Added name of logged in users in the email sent to admin.
  12. Added 5-columns style for questions showing their answers in columns.
  13. Two versions of the question compact format are now available, see the link next to the selector for more information.
  14. You can set individual quiz schedules for logged in users.
  15. Timer allowance for timed quizzes is now configurable from WatuPRO Settings page.
  16. Added variables %%CATEGORY-WRONG-X%% and %%CATEGORY-EMPTY-X%% for the manual category based output.
  17. Changed the JS alerts on the required contact fields at start/end of a quiz to inline messages.
  18. Added option to use respondent's email address as a reply-to address when sending quiz results to admin or managers.
  19. Added option to exclude the default “Details of ...” line when sending quiz email to admin. The option is in WatuPRO Settings page, section Defaults.
  20. Added a counter on the Manage questions and Reuse specific question page to show how many questions are selected for mass updates or reusing.
  21. Added variable %%UNIQUE-ID%% for the final screen - a unique identifier of the submitted quiz attempt.
  22. Added option to hide the following columns from “View details” pop-up -> table format: ID, No., Points, Result. The option is in WatuPRO Settings page -> User Settings tab.
  23. From WatuPRO Settings page -> Theme and Design tab you can switch off browser’s autocomplete feature on the quiz form.
  24. Added option to store contact data for logged in users if the quiz requests contact data. In this case it will be pre-filled for other quizzes or new attempts on the same quiz.
  25. [Intelligence module] Added option to restart limits for quiz attempts after payment. More information at https://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-intelligence-module-restart-quiz-attempts-when-payment-is-made/
  26. [Intelligence module] When a manager's role is permitted to access quizzes with “Apply user group / user role category restrictions” they will see only the results of users within the same user groups they have + the results of the non-logged users. This applies only when you are using WatuPRO user groups.
  27. Added shortcode attribute require_login for overwriting quiz settings.
  28. [Intelligence module] Added user email address in the list of payments for a paid test.
  29. [Reporting module] The shortcode watupror-poll that produces a poll chart on individual quesitons can now accept paremeter orientation=”vertical” to create a vertical bar chart.
  30. [Reporting module] Added parameter draw_unanswered to the watupror-pie-chart shortcode. It will generate a pie sector for the unanswered questions in each category.
  31. [Reporting module] Added paremeter sum_subcategories to watupror-pie-chart and watupror-quiz-cat-chart shortcodes. The parameter will sum the subcategory performance into the parent category and will not draw the subcategories in the charts.
  32. WooCommerce integration: you can now select a WooCommerce product directly in the Edit quiz -> Intelligence module tab and let the plugin automatically set the required attributes for you. Note that only Virtual AND Downloadable products will be shown in the drop-down.
  33. Improvement to the WooCommerce integration: unlinking the product will remove the custom attribute
  34. Fixed issue with counting multiple-choice questions answers in “Stats per question” page when those contained commas.
  35. Fixed issue with scheduled timed tests when the scheduled end time is sooner than the timer end time.
  36. Fixed bug: the watupro-result shortcode will now load the WatuPRO CSS and scripts so details are properly displayed.
  37. Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: when role setting to “view/approve results” with “apply user group permissions” checked, the option “Do not allow sending email with the edited results” was getting ignored.
  38. Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: sometimes deselecting an item in one box of match/matrix questions was making a value that’s reserved in another box available for selection.
  39. Fixed bug in flashcard questions: a card stopped flipping after 3-4 flips.
  40. Fixed database bug: when users entered emojis in answers to open-end questions their results were not stored. Note there may still be issues with using emojis across the plugin: this is a bug in the built-in WordPress database handler. We are applying a conversion function on all places manually.
  41. Added attribute “pagination” to the watupro shortcode to overwrite the quiz pagination setting.
  42. Added option to set header and footer for PDF results printing. This feature requires PDF bridge version 1.7.
  43. Removed sessions usage from the core plugin. They are now replaced with cookies to avoid loopback issues on some installations.
  44. Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: no new lines in “fill the gaps” questions.
  45. Fixed bug [Reporting module]: Analytics integration did not work on Ajax quizzes.
  46. Fixed bug: when drop-down fields were used for asking contact details at the beginning of a quiz, they were still shown on the next pages.
  47. Fixed bug: captchas should not be required when auto-submitting timed quiz with expired time.
  48. Fixed bug: restricting access to specific list of users should be case-insensitive for email addresses.
  49. Fixed bug in the new watupro-leaderboard-position shortcode.
  50. Because of problems with WP auto paragraphs function reverted to using our own function when displaying questions. Added configuration option to use wpautop().
  51. Fixed bug [Reporting module]: the pie chart per category should always show green for correct answers and red for wrong (unless colors are specified by the user)
  52. Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: when the new “View and edit/approve results” setting was set for a role the user group / category restrictions were not applying.
  53. Fixed issue with category paginator highlighting when using next page / previous page buttons.
  54. Fixed bug: sometimes the limit for number of attempts per email address was remaining active even when we are not asking for user email address.
  55. Fixed bug in “Don't display questions that were previously answered by the user” option.
  56. Fixed issue with blank space showing on top of the user menu.
  57. Fixed bug: if “ask for contact details” contained a required checkbox there was no visible error message when it’s missed.
  58. Fixed column titles mismatch on “Export with details” function in View Results page.
  59. [Intelligence module] Fixed display issues with horizontal sortable questions on the final screen.

Changes in Version 6.4

  1. Reuse questions now functions better like a question bank. Learn more here.
  2. Added optional question title for management purposes. It will be shown in the administration instead of the question contents where applicable.
  3. Our own enhancement to the Aiken import format lets you import questions also passing optional question category line and an answer explanation line.
  4. Allowed configurable separator for flashcard questions (this will avoid problems that using = sign causes to flashcards with HTML or images in them). The configuration is on the Flashcard design settings page.
  5. Created a new shortcode generator which will make creating WatuPRO shortcodes much easier. It’s a work in progress but you can already use it for most of the shortcodes.
  6. Added sortable columns on the “Mass assign users” page for user groups.
  7. A flag will show for questions marked for review after submitting the quiz so the users know that questions have been marked.
  8. Show marked for review questions in the questions paginator when loading a started earlier “in progress” quiz attempt.
  9. You can now pass tags to the standard quiz shortcode to pull only questions that contain any of the listed tags.
  10. The watupro-result shortcode also accepts value “percent_points” for the “what” attribute to return the percentage of maximum points on that quiz attempt.
  11. Added option for handling problematic LaTeX imports & removed unwanted backslashes from other imports.
  12. The settings to automatically cleanup or blankout data can now be used together with different parameters. So you can get some data completely cleaned up when certain conditions are met and other data only blanked out when other conditions are met.
  13. The setting “pull X random questions” for a quiz can now be overridden from the shortcode by using the “pull_random” attribute.
  14. Added configuration for default final screen and default email output contents which to be prepopulated when creating a new quiz.
  15. The WP dashboard stats widget can be switched off for non-admins from WatuPRO Settings page -> User Settings and Pages tab.
  16. Added some mass-change options to Manage Quizzes page. More can be added in the next releases.
  17. Added new filter on the View Results page: only logged in users, only guests, or both (default).
  18. Added email and username filters on the “mass assign users to a group” page.
  19. When single-choice questions are drop-downs they will have default “please select” value so the question can be left unanswered or trigger required question alert when answering the question is required.
  20. The question categories page now allows sorting by ID or category name and contains information about the number of subcategories in each category.
  21. New option in Settings -> Theme and design lets you choose to show both question title and contents in the admin pages.
  22. A filter by role is added on the “Mass assign users to a group” page.
  23. Attribute “random_per_category” can be passed to the quiz shortcode to overwrite the saved “Pull X random questions per category” setting.
  24. The optional Save button for logged in users can now be enabled for all pagination types and together with automatically storing user progress.
  25. “Export this page” is changed to show the same name and email like on the View results page when user has provided different contact email address and name than the logged in user’s.
  26. Added CSS classes to the submit quiz buttons.
  27. The default value of the submit button is now “View results”. You can change it in WatuPRO Settings page, and for each individual quiz on Edit Quiz -> General Settings tab.
  28. Date and time will be exported on View results and All quiz submissions pages.
  29. [Intelligence module] Added shortcode to display a list of quizzes in a bundle.
  30. [Intelligence module] Added shortcode watupro-personality-chart which prints a bar chart based on the perfomance in each personality type. See the Help page inside your WatuPRO menu for more details.
  31. [Intelligence module] Locked tests will show also the test title in the My Quizzes page.
  32. [Intelligence module] You can now pass colors to the watupro-personality-chart shortcode while specifying which color to which personality matches. Use the “assoc_colors” attribute for this. See here for more information: https://blog.calendarscripts.info/personality-quizzes-in-watupro/#chart
  33. [Intelligence module] On personality quizzes -> View results page you will see a link “Toggle per personality” which will show you the points collected per each personality type.
  34. [Intelligence module] The “User choice” options can now be passed as shortcode attribute thus dynamically having different versions of the same quiz with different flexibility of user choice (or none of it).
  35. [Reporting module] The shortcode watupror-user-cat-chart can now produce horizontal bar chart if you pass the new attribute orientation=”horizontal”
  36. [Reporting module] The pie charts from the watupror-pie-chart shortcode can be generated as real images instead of default JavaScript chart mode. The reason for this is these images can work also in email contents and PDF downloads. To activate this mode pass the attribute mode=”gd” to the shortcode. It requires the GD library to be installed on your server (most hosts have it).
  37. [Reporting module] A parameter “colors” (comma separated colors with words or HTML values) can be passed to the watupror-user-cat-chart shortcode to use your own colors for the chart.
  38. [Reporting module] Added optional parameter “quiz_id” to the watupror-qcat-total shortcode which allows you to limit the stat to a specific quiz. The parameter “what” now supports also value “percent_points” to calculate the percentage of maximum points. Note that this can be query intensive.
  39. [Reporting module] Parameter “latest_attempt=1” added to the watupro-qcat-total shortcode allows you to base the calculated totals only on the latest attempt on each quiz.
  40. [Reporting module] Added shortcode watupror-quiz-cat-chart which works similar to watupror-user-cat-chart but draws the chart for all attempts from all respondents on the test.
  41. Fixed bug: checkmarks were shown on sortable and flashcard questions even when the option not to show any checkmarks was selected.
  42. Fixed bug when importing answers with backslashes.
  43. Fixed bug: a “per page” drop-down selector was wrongly showing on watupro-takings shortcode.
  44. Fixed problem with email checkmarks on open-end questions.
  45. CSS Fixes
  46. Fixed bug: “Don’t store any data…” was still updating logged in user points balance.
  47. Fixed the wording for scheduled quizzes to properly address the case when the quiz was scheduled in the past.
  48. Fixed bug: “Accept free text answer” property was not copied when copying a quiz.
  49. Fixed bug: in some cases watupro-myexams ALL shortcode was displaying no tests.
  50. Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: when user role is not allowed the access the Settings page, the link to it should not appear on the Quizzes page.
  51. Fixed bug: passing some of the shortcode attributes to the main quiz shortcode was removing some of quiz properties.

Changes in Version 6.3

  1. Added option to store quiz results / data only when the quiz is taken from a logged in user. The option is on Edit quiz / Advanced Settings tab.
  2. Added option to limit the number of words on open-end questions. When limiting the words, a word counter will appear under the text box.
  3. Added option to accept free text entry on one of the options of single choice and multiple choice questions. This is useful mostly for surveys where you want to collect additional information on “other” selection not listed in the pre-defined answers.
  4. The WordPress “embed” shortcode can now be used in questions to embed videos and other objects.
  5. The design adjustment for mobile devices (distance between question choices) now supports px and em and defaults to 0.5 em.
  6. Added option to make choices in single-choice and multiple-choice questions checked by default. Mostly useful for survey questions.
  7. Added filter to allow custom plugins modify the collected points on a quiz.
  8. New option lets you define that the grade-based restriction for allowed test re-attempt (on Edit Quiz -> User and Email tab, options for logged in users) is also time-limited and expires after a defined period of days.
  9. When copying quiz you can now filter questions by category.
  10. When copying quiz you can now filter questions by tags.
  11. Added tags to quizzes for filtering in the administration.
  12. Added parameter “cat_id” to the watupro-result shortcode. It lets you show the result for a specific question category.
  13. Filters used on the “View results” page will now apply if you blank out or cleanup taking data (instead of blanking out or deleting all quiz results).
  14. Added setting for min/max points and percent correct answers on the “automatically cleanup/blankout” setting so you can have better control.
  15. Added compatibility with the latest bridge to BuddyPress (https://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-bridge-to-buddypress/).
  16. When selecting “Don't display questions that were previously answered by the user” or “Hide only correctly answered questions “ you can choose to restart over once all questions are used.
  17. Added “Quiz category” filter when viewing all quiz submissions.
  18. From “Advanced Settings” tab of the quiz you can now limit the total number of allowed submissions. After that number of users have submitted the quiz it will no longer be available.
  19. Optional parameter “category_id” added to the watupro shortcode. It allows you to limit questions in the quiz to only a given category via the shortcode.
  20. Added optional quiz thumbnail. It can be used in the “watuprolist” shortcode to display quizzes with thumbnail. More information at https://blog.calendarscripts.info/list-quizzes-in-watupro
  21. [Intelligence module and WooCommerce bridge] Paid certificates as now supported as WooCommerce products.
  22. When the final grade in this quiz will depend on the performance on different question categories: added option to ignore specific category requirements if questions from that category were not present in the quiz. This may happen if you pull random questions etc.
  23. Added configuration to not scroll the screen when pressing “start quiz” button.
  24. Added “records per page” selector on the View results page.
  25. In the condition “Re-submitting is allowed only if some of the following grades is achieved” we have also added None (no grade achieved) as option.
  26. Added “date range” filter on the View results page.
  27. Added check for corrupt file uploads (0 bytes) on questions that accept file uploads as answer.
  28. [Intelligence module] When teacher edits student answers they can now change the uploaded file to questions that allow uploading files.
  29. [Intelligence module] Added permission type “View and edit/approve results” for the multi-user role configuration for “quizzes access”.
  30. [Intelligence module] “Fill the gaps” questions can now accept placeholder attribute. Learn more at https://blog.calendarscripts.info/turn-multiple-answer-gaps-into-drop-downs-watupro-intelligence-module-v-5-0-2/
  31. [Intelligence module] Added “% of max. Points” as new dependency type for Dependencies.
  32. [Intelligence module] You can optionally set URL where the user will be redirected to pay for the quiz instead of using the default payment buttons. This is useful if you are selling the quiz as a part of a bundle or through the WooCommerce bridge, etc.
  33. [Intelligence module] When role setting for quizzes access is set to “only view and approve results” you can restrict the access to the emailing feature in editing results.
  34. [Reporting module] New shortcode watupro-pie-chart lets you generate pie charts from user’s performance per question category on a single quiz attempt.
  35. Various improvements to the main CSS and theme CSS files for compatibility with different plugins and themes.
  36. Added option to show full snapshot of user answer in the table view, along with the optional answer feedback.
  37. [Reporting module] Added “size” attribute to the watupro-chart-by-grade shortcode.
  38. Fixed problems with handling images in “flashcard” questions.
  39. Fixed bug: the feature “treat this question as a whole” was working only with the Intelligence module installed.
  40. Fixed CSS issue: global normalization removed.
  41. Fixed bug: when custom field 1 from “Ask for contact details” was marked as drop-down, custom field 2 was also displayed as drop-down.
  42. Fixed bug with Twitter social sharing URL.
  43. Fixed issue: on some installations user session was getting lost in Ajax causing results not to be saved.
  44. Fixed issues with missing properties and answers when copying quizzes.
  45. Fixed bug: the condition “maximum number of points” required on checkbox questions did not work correctly on some installations.
  46. Fixed issue [Reporting module]: On Stats per question page match/matrix questions were also listed with all their choices. Only percentage correct answer is suitable for stats on this question type.
  47. Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: personality quizzes were not properly copied with the “copy quiz” feature.
  48. Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: managing coupon codes was not accessible to allowed non-admin user roles.
  49. Fixed bug: “max selections” on multiple choice questions did not work in some edge cases.
  50. Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: some variables were not processed when emailing edited taking details. Other variables cannot be processed so they were removed from the list.
  51. Fixed bug [Intelligence module] time limited bundles were wrongly redirecting to the selected URL even if a payment has expired.
  52. Fixed bug with rich text editor on question answers.

Changes in Version 6.2

  1. Created ActiveCampaign bridge for automatically subscribing quiz takes to your ActiveCampaign mailing lists. You can find it at https://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-bridge-to-activecampaign/
  2. Added option to not prompt the user when they are trying to submit a paginated quiz but are not on the last page.
  3. Added option to discard negative points on a question so points collected are never below zero.
  4. Added option to set maximum possible points on questions with multiple correct answers.
  5. Replaced jQuery document.ready calls with vanilla JS alternative. Reason: some themes load jQuery in the footer and this causes errors. While we don’t encourage this behavior we’ll do our best to support all environments.
  6. Changed the “Flag for review” icon with a flag. You can still choose the old icon from WatuPRO Settings page -> Theme and Design tab.
  7. The dynamic CSS created by the Theme and Design preferences is moved to an external CSS file to avoid collisions with some themes and plugins.
  8. Removed unwanted backslashes from flashcard questions (when apostrophes or quotes are used in them).
  9. Added new variable for the field for sending quiz completion email which allows you to pull email address from user meta table. Learn more at https://blog.calendarscripts.info/using-dynamic-variables-in-watupro-email-field/
  10. When “Don't display questions that were previously answered” is selected together with “When no more attempts are available display the latest result” the quiz page will display the latest result along with the “all questions answered” message.
  11. New mass-change option on Manage Questions page: exclude from showing on the final screen (%%ANSWERS%% variable).
  12. Added {{{max-points}}} tag in the optional answer feedback area to allow showing the maximum possible points on a question.
  13. Added button to delete all unfinished attempts on a quiz.
  14. The timer of timed tests supports short format like 5:25 and the current long textual format. You can change this at the WatuPRO Settings page -> Theme and Design tab. The text “Time left:” is also configurable at the WatuPRO Text Settings page.
  15. Added timestamp parameter to the URL after using watupro-retake shortcode to avoid loading the quiz page from cache.
  16. Fixed smaller font for the percentage indicator of the progress bar on mobile screen so the text does not go outside of the colored area.
  17. Added compatibility with Simple Designer plugin v 1.1 so “maximum selections” on multiple choice questions is also respected in quizzes using that addon.
  18. The checkbox advanced setting “Don't auto-scroll the screen when user moves from page to page “ is made visible for all pagination types.
  19. When a timed quiz is started save the current state of questions in case the quiz is randomized - so the same questions are loaded in case of closing the page, back button, refresh etc.
  20. [Intelligence module] Added option to charge for issuing a certificate. This way you can make a test which is free to take but the important results are stored in the paid certificate.
  21. The contact field variables from Edit Quiz -> User and Email Related Settings tab -> Ask for user contact details section can now be used in certificates.
  22. From Settings page -> User Settings tab you can choose whether the new users to be registered with “student” role or with the default role for your site. Till now all users registered from quiz pages were getting “student” role.
  23. Custom quiz CSS themes can now be created from admin instead of dealing with files.
  24. [Intelligence module]Added dynamic time stamp to the return URL of Paypal payments to prevent the quiz page from being cached and showing the payment button again.
  25. [Intelligence module] Added sortable question color & design settings in the Theme and Design tab of WatuPRO Settings page.
  26. [Intelligence module] Added variable {{{percent-answers}}} to the watupro-expand-personality-result shortcode.
  27. [Reporting module] Added percent correct colun on the History report table
  28. Fixed bug: when using checkbox groups the answer text and the {{{answerto-X}}} variable were showing only the answers on the last group.
  29. Fixed bug: when there is “pull X random per category” selection and the questions are not grouped by category, important questions were not always included in the random selection with priority.
  30. Fixed bug: When “show answer” button was used the user could not rate the question anymore (when ratings are enabled).
  31. Fixed bug: when “pull max X answers per question” is selected even questions with “Don’t randomize answers” selection had their answers randomized.
  32. Fixed issues with Twitter sharing when custom Twitter button is used.
  33. Fixed bug: missing category grades information in admin.
  34. Fixed edge case issues with calculating grades dependent on category performance when the Chained Logic addon is used.
  35. Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: when a quiz is reusing question from multiple quizzes the option “Let user choose number of random questions” was using only the questions from the first quiz.
  36. Fixed bug: performance per category should be calculated for all quizzes with grade dependent on category even if no category grade related variables are used in the final screen.
  37. Added notice about outdated versions of Chained Logic addon. If you are using it, please install the latest.
  38. Fixes to the visible on-screen timer: it should now be fully consistent with the back-end server and does not lag or go faster than real time even on very long tests.
  39. Fixed problem with Theme adjustments: spacing between questions.
  40. Fixed problem with bar_width attribute of watupro-basic-chart shortcode
  41. Fixed bug: “Case insensitive” exact match on open-end questions and “Fill the gaps” questions did not work correctly with non-ASCII characters.
  42. Fixed bug: new lines were getting lost in “Sahre by email” feature.
  43. Fixed bug with displaying the first question when the quiz had stored in-progress snapshots of answered questions.
  44. Fixed issue with HTML tags entered as answers in Visual mode of the rich text editor, used htmlspecialchars to allow re-saving them properly.
  45. Fixed bug [Reporting module]: the shortcode watupror-user-cat-chart did not work properly in PDF.
  46. Fixed bug: users with rights to manage only their own quizzes were not able to export questions.
  47. Fixed bug [Intelligence module]: when manually editing quiz results from administration the certificates were not properly assigned.
  48. Fixed bug [Reporting module] taken tests stats were not properly counting the number of tests when they were published in a non-standard way.
  49. Fixed bug: “do not show checkmarks” was not working properly for “fill the gaps” questions.
  50. Minor fixes to translation issues.

Changes in Version 6.1

  1. Now the rich text editor is available on all answers of questions without the need to save the question first, all on the same page, in a lot more convenient way than before.
  2. Difficulty level can now be passed in the quiz shortcode like this: [watupro X difficulty_level=”Easy”] (where X is the quiz ID). In such case it will override any selection made in the Edit quiz form.
  3. You can now overwrite the default style.css file by placing a copy of it in your theme folder, under folder called “watupro” (similar to how you can override view files and the main JS file). Note that this should be used only for quite specific adjustments. Most design adjustments are better done by design themes.
  4. Now you can have more than one certificate earned by a single test attempt: one regular certificate attached to a grade plus any number of “multiple quiz” certificates as long as taking that specific quiz triggers them because of satisfied requirements.
  5. Each certificate now allows using custom text for the %%CERTIFICATE%% variable on the final screen. When used will replace the default “You can now print your certificate” text.
  6. Multiple quiz certificates can now require min. percentage and points for every quiz in the selected group instead of just averages from all attempts. For compatibility with existing setups the old option remains default.
  7. The quiz timer now support decimals, for example 2.5 minutes.
  8. Placing the tag {{{loggedin}}} inside the final screen allows you to show different content to logged in and non-logged in users. The contents before the tag will be shown to the logged in users  and the contents after the tag to the strangers. This lets you for example invite visitors to register to take new quizzes and so on.
  9. When user ran out of time in a timed quiz and their results were automatically submitted, this will be shown under “time spent” column on “View results” page.
  10. The feature “Hold displaying the results until a date in the future” (available in the Final Screen tab of the Edit quiz page) now allows you to limit this holding period only to chosen user groups or user roles. This way for example you can have immediate results for premium users and delayed results for other users.
  11. Added optional log for tests with timer. You can enable it from the Advanced Settings tab of Edit quiz page. Do it only in case you suspect timer problems.
  12. You can now allow users to print the final screen as PDF. The option is on Edit Quiz -> Quiz Output tab and requires PDF bridge version 1.4.3 or newer.
  13. Added filter for developers which allows you to plug in completely custom grade calculation. More information at https://blog.calendarscripts.info/watupro-developers-api-custom-grade-calculation/
  14. Resolved CSS conflict with MathJax on some themes. If you have problems with formulas you need to check the MathJax checkbox on WatuPRO Settings page.
  15. Improvements to the category based paginator: highlights the first category at initial loading and properly highlights the category tab when going back to previous question with the Previous button.
  16. When a numbered question paginator is used and a question is marked for review the number for that question will get a dashed border.
  17. Added attribute “per_page” to the watupro-takings shortcode to specify other than the default 10 results per page. Set it to -1 if you want to display all attempts on a single page.
  18. Made improvements to timer handling and logging.
  19. Added option to enter your custom “You need to be logged in or registered” text for user-only quizzes along with custom login URL. This allows to integrate better with custom built login and registration pages, use your own image or button etc.
  20. Added filter ‘watupro-user-file-uploaded’ before storing user uploaded files as question answers.
  21. New parameter added to watupro-takings shortcode: show_contact_data. When set to 1 it will display the additional contact data from the “ask user for contact details” section, when such data is collected. Note that this data will be shown under the name and not in separate columns.
  22. Added option to show category title and description on every page when the questions are grouped per category but the pagination is not “one page per question category”. For example this can be very useful for quizzes paginated one page per question.
  23. Now you can use your custom social sharing buttons. Set their URLs on the WatuPRO Social Sharing options page.
  24. The WatuPRO Options page now has tabs for easier navigation.
  25. Added quiz ID filter to the other filters on Manage Quizzes page.
  26. Added shortcode watupro-paginator to place the questions or category paginator outside of the quiz shortcode (for custom layouts). More details in the Help page inside your WatuPRO menu.
  27. The external paginator shortcode now allows vertical display.
  28. Added 25px default space before the “Question X of Y” line and made this configurable in the Settings page -> Theme and Design tab.
  29. Made improvements to the responsiveness of the buttons under the quiz. They will flexibly flow on various devices and screen sizes. The legacy buttons table can still be preferred by adjusting a setting in the Theme and Design tab of the WatuPRO Settings page.
  30. Added subcategories to quiz categories for better organization.
  31. [Intelligence module] Added option to replace user entered multiple spaces in “Fill the gaps” questions with single space to ignore basic typing errors. The option is in the Advanced Settings tab of the Edit quiz page.
  32. [Intelligence module] Added optional attributes for the bundle buttons that allow you to display text with dynamic price above each button. You can find information about the attributes on the Manage Quiz Bundles page under the table with bundles.
  33. [Intelligence module] New option in personality quizzes allows you to have only one personality assigned as a result even if multiple personalities collect equal maximal number of points. If you select the option, one of the matching personality will be randomly selected.
  34. Added more space between question choices on small screens to avoid clickable elements being too close together on the screen. This can be changed in the Design Adjustments section of the WatuPRO Settings page.
  35. Fixed issues with %%ANSWERS-PAGINATED%% variable: an un-closed div and not showing uploaded files for questions that accept them.
  36. Fixed bug: {{{ID}}} variable was not replaced in “table view” of the View Details popup.
  37. Fixed issues with FB sharing, used the new SDK because the old dialog is no longer supported properly by FB.
  38. Fixed CSS issue with prev/next buttons showing one under the other on mobile devices.
  39. Fixed bug: “details_no_popup” attribute did not work in watupro-myxeams shortcode.
  40. Fixed bug: when “0” was entered as possible correct answer on an open-end question it was not recognized as correct.
  41. Fixed bug: after introducing decimals in timer the option to let user choose questions did not work.
  42. [Intelligence module] Fixed bug with saving custom currency on the Payment Settings page.
  43. Fixed bugs with saving Facebook sharing options.

Changes in Version 6.0

  1. Added option to choose the view of downloaded files of single user quiz attempt: snapshot or table. Defaults to snapshot. You can also choose the file format which from now on will default to .html instead of the problematic .doc file. Don’t forget you can generate PDF files instead using our free PDF bridge.
  2. Improved user data removal and hooked to WP personal data eraser (for better compatibility to data protection laws).
  3. Added Text Settings page where some of the user-facing texts can be changed from the administration without the need of applying translation files.
  4. New shortcode added: [watupro-segment-stats] to display average % correct answer or points for a group of users answered the same way a selected question. More information here.
  5. Improved watupro-segment-stats shortcode: now it lets you display the % of users from the same segment who received the same grade or even category grade in a question category.
  6. Fixed the non-working “delete my results” link when the My Tests page was used in a shortcode. The “export data” link will be available for users only when they access the dashboard version of the page.
  7. A new option on the quiz General Settings tab lets you specify different design theme for each quiz.
  8. Added attribute “return” to the watupro-users-completed shortcode. When return=”percent” it will calculate the % of quiz attempts vs. total instead of showing the number that satisfies the criteria defined by the other attributes. Added attribute “catgrade_id” to calculate number of attempts achieved a specific category grade. Note that category grade IDs were not recorded up to this version so using this parameter on tests which had data before the change may return inaccurate results.
  9. The optional answer explanation box in the administration is now hidden by default when adding new question and can be toggled by a link to save screen space.
  10. When quiz accept file uploads for open-end questions a check for allowed file sizes and types will be performed also before submitting the quiz (javascript based, will work only in modern browsers).
  11. Added design configurations for the timer of timed tests: it can now be configured to scroll together with the screen.
  12. The timer position now be distanced from left or right, top or bottom by choice.
  13. The segment-stats shortcode now allows calculating the % of users who got worse or better grade when the criteria is “grade” or “category_grade”.
  14. After copying of quiz / questions the page will redirect back to all quizzes to avoid confusion.
  15. Added option to mass-change “accept user feedback” on questions. (The mass-change options become available on the Manage Questions page at the bottom, only after you select at least one checkbox from the table with questions).
  16. Question paginator position can now be top or bottom.
  17. In the administration questions can now be reordered by draggind and dropping the row with the question.
  18. Open-end questions that accept file uploads can also require the file to be uploaded to consider the question answered.
  19. You can now override our main.js file the same way you can override view files.
  20. The option to allow users to rate questions now can be enabled per individual question instead of all the questions in the test.
  21. Added parameter “public” to the watupro-takings shortcode to allow public read only access to the page.
  22. On View results page added information how the grades on this test are calculated. Helps if you receive some unexpected grades. Helps us to answer questions as well.
  23. The two custom fields in “Ask user for contact details” section can now be drop-down fields with pre-defined values.
  24. When the option “answer to each question can be seen immediately by pressing a button” is selected, you have a new option that allows you not to require the user to attempt answering the question first.
  25. Added option to calculate & display total points earned from registered users on your main WP Users page.
  26. A new variable %%GROUP-MANAGER% in the admin email field in User and Email Settings tab allows you to specify that the email with test results will be sent to managers from the same user groups of the respondent.
  27. User group IDs are now visible in User Groups page.
  28. [Namaste! PRO Integration] For class managers with access to view test results only the results of students in their classes will be shown.
  29. [Intelligence module] “Fill the gaps” questions now can have per-question case sensitive mode.
  30. [Intelligence module] Added new bundle type: number of unque tests - you don’t need to specify which paid tests exactly or test category. It’s good for selling packages of 5, 10, etc paid tests.
  31. [Intelligence module] Added configuration for font size of “Fill the gaps” questions gaps & drop-down boxes (on WatuPRO Settings page).
  32. [Intelligence module] Added option to hide the “My Quizzes” page for any of the user roles that are given rights to manage the tests.
  33. [Reporting module] Added parameter “user_choice” to the watupror-poll shortcode to allow marking the user’s answer when the shortcode is used at the end of the test. See the WatuPRO -> Help page in your menu for full details.
  34. Fixed issues with multiple quiz certificates.
  35. [Fixed bug] When “Apply difficulty level restrictions per user account” is selected questions with no difficulty level were not allowed to users with some difficulty level in their profile.
  36. [Fixed bug] When “Sum up subcategory performance” was selected the parent category was not included in the Advanced Settings tab for reordering. If %%CATGRADES%% was not used at the Final screen, you could not use the %%CATEGORY-xxx% variables on these parent categories.
  37. [Fixed bug] When a timed quiz also asked for contact details at the beginning of a quiz with a required checkbox it was impossible to submit the quiz due to wrong “field required” message.
  38. [Fixed bug] The column “% of points” was showing negative % in some cases. It should always show between 0% and 100%.
  39. [Fixed bug] When quiz reused question from other quizzes it could not be reverted back to using its own questions.
  40. [Fixed bug] The new way of reordering questions in admin did not work on some installations.

For older changelog please have a look at the archive.

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