WordPress Extensions for Education and Marketing
In the last 10 - 15 years WordPress became the absolute leader in making websites for small and not so small businesses. The platform grew in functionality and reliability and became a fully featured CMS capable of making complicated dynamic web applications.
We specialized in making powerful WordPress extensions for education and marketing. Our plugins now power thousands of sites with tests, exams, quizzes, learning capabilities and enhanced marketing tools. WordPress is the most popular system of its kind and we know it to the bones so why not help you use its power too :)
Who Is Behind This?
CalendarScripts.info is a property of Kiboko Labs Ltd and is created by Bob Handzhiev.
We are selling software for webmasters since 2004. You can check how this site looked during the years in the Web Archive. Most of the products offered here are coded and tested by Bob, and some of them (the better looking ones) are designed by Dana Velkova.
If you want to contact us about some of the plugins or anything else, please check this page for more information.

Bob Handzhiev
- Founder, CEO
- Backend dev
- Support

Dana Velkova
- Co-founder
- Design, Front-end
- Theme support
The Quality Of Software and Support
We don't outsource our support. When you write us for help, you are most likely to talk directly to the main developer. There is no point to send you through some polite but clueless support guy who will only waste your time giving the impression that inquiries are answered quickly. Our support answers are fast without the help of the clueless support guy (or girl). We usually answer in couple of hours (officially 24 - 48 hours).
Most of the code is written by the two of us here. We may occasionally use the help of independent developers but then we don't release a product before the code is fully understood. This ensures that when you contact us for a problem we can resolve it quickly, and when you contact us with a customization or a feature request, we can give quick estimates because we know the expected complexity. Writing quality code is our core business and we don't let strangers do it.
The Pricing
Our prices aren't the lowest in the market. We are not here to make quick bucks selling huge volumes and then disappear. We are running this business since 2004 and will do our best to keep running it the next 10, 20, or 30 years - as long as we are alive and well. Setting fair prices to our products lets us focus on their quality and on the support for the customers that we have, instead of rushing for bulk sales.
Our support and upgrades are free for one year on all products. After the year passes you can keep using the latest obtained version forever, or renew another year of support & upgrades for 40% of the full price. Why are not these free for life time? Because it's not sustainable. Imagine what would happen if we added 1,000 customers per year and each of them needs just an hour of support each year. A couple of years later we would be totally unable to handle the support load because the number of customer grows every year, but the new sales remain the same. This would make it impossible to develop the products further and to provide quality support.
Having 1-year free support and upgrades means that most customer's problems will be fully resolved, and at the same time we can stay in business. Be careful with companies offering lifetime upgrades and support, as many of them are unlikely to stay for long. On the other hand we have customers who are with us for more than 10 years, and are happy with our products, knowing that whatever problem arises we'll be here to help.
We are a small family owned business and do things with personal care.
Bob and Dana
Kiboko Labs Ltd.
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