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Weight loss calculator screenshot

Weight Loss Planning Calculator

Calculate your daily calorie intake depending on a given weigh loss goal. The calculator will show you a warning if your goal is too aggressive in terms of reduced calorie intake or speed. Please note this tool does not replace professional medical advice.

Available as:

BMI/Overweight Calculator

What is your Body Mass Index (BMI)? This simple calculator will help you figure out whether you are overweight, underweight or in the normal range. It's free and available both for users and webmasters with no obligations or restrictions of any kind.

Available as:

Overweight/BMI calculator screenshot
BMR calculator screenshot

BMR Calculator

Calculate your Basal Methabolit Rate (BMR) - this the amount of calories your body would burn if you don't perform any physical or mental activity during the day. Theoretically if you consume less than these calories you should lose weight even if you don't exercise. BMR is used in many other calculations like BMI for example.

Available as:

Calorie Burned Calculator

How many calories will your body burn when you run? And when you dance. Or when you watch TV. The calculator will display the number of calories you'll approximately burn for a given time for many common activities. The table is for educational/entertaining use and will not replace professional nutrition/dietitian or medical advice.

Available as:

BMR calculator screenshot

If you are a webmaster and need customization or entirely custom weight loss tool, email us from the contact page.


Templates & Graphics

We create Wordpress and Joomla! themes for weight loss and health related sites. Standalone designs and raphics are also available upon request.