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Calorie Burn Calculator

This is a free Calorie Burn Calculator. It will calculate the number of calories that you'll burn for given time doing varous physical activities. The calories you burn depend on your weight. Please note the calculator has educational purpose and the results can't always be 100% accurate.

lbs OR kg


Download Here (.zip, 3KB)

The above calculator is fully functional, so if you want to use it yourself, go ahead. Please note it can't replace a professional medical advice! If you are planning an aggressive finess program, better consult a doctor. The results of your calculations are for illustrative purposes and are approximate.

This calculator is also a free software for webmasters. You can download it from this link and install it on your site very easy as long as it supports PHP. You can see how the calculator looks and work above.

The instructions below are for webmasters who want to use this calculator on their website.

Calorie Burn Calculator Installation

Once downloaded the above software, extract it and upload the .php file on your web host. Then put the following PHP code in your web page:

<?php require("cbc.php"); ?>

That's all! Note that if you put the calculator in a folder, you need to enter the relative path to it.

The software validates the user input with javascript instantly. It also converts pounds to kg and vice versa so the end user of this calorie burn calculator can type the numbers in any of both systems.

This script is completely free and you can do everything you want in it. There are no obligations at all. There is a link to this site at the bottom, but if you wish to remove it, that's ok (We will appreciate if you leave it there though, or if you just place the link anywhere else on your site).

See also our Basal metabolit rate calculator.

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