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Client Case Study - Maid2Clean Franchise (International Franchisor)

Client Name & Position

Mike Hanrahan (MD & Franchisor)

Use of Watu Software

We used the Watu software as the platform to build our online MaidVersity qualification. It's a multiple choice examination with videos throughout that will be used as a competence test for our 13,000 cleaners serving Maid2Clean clients.

Why I chose Watu

Flexibility and price were considerations but ahead of that we were impressed by the rapid replies we received from the support staff.

Would you Recommend Watu?

Yes indeed and already have done.

Can it be Seen

Yes go to http://www.maid2clean.co.uk/maidversity/

Plans for the future

We have plans to further use the software to create a similar learning platform for our Leaflet Distribution supervisors & Cleaner Interviewers.

Why I would encourage others to use Watu

My Developer and I have been delighted with the way Watu receives customer feedback. They have really gone the extra mile to help us make launch this huge development programme.

Mike Hanrahan

This testimonial was provided by Mike Hanrahan